Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thursday, Feb. 26th 2015

The Conference . . .

As promised a few morsels: 
The Future of the Catholic Literary Imagination
was a meeting, a coming together of writers who
believe that faith can enrich the literary world.

On Thursday, February 19th, Julia Alvarez opened
the Conference with a delightful reading of  her poetry.
Her energy was a force that lit up The Doheny Library.

Mr. Gioia needed no introduction--in fact he introduced
speakers, always with a great personal knowledge of 
their writing. 
(Dana Gioia and Gary Adler were responsible
for much of the smooth running of this Conference.)


St. Peter's B-List is an anthology of poetry
edited by Mary Ann B. Miller. Some of
the many writers included in the book read
their enticing and inspired poems.

Someone else was at the Conference.We knew Him as we broke bread together
at the Caruso Catholic Center; we felt His
presence as we shared our faith and creative
works. . .

              Thanks be to God.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Feb 22nd 2015

Catholic Literary Imagination

The Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC
and the USC Caruso Catholic Center sponsored a
grace-filled three day Conference from February 19-21.

The Future of the Catholic Literary Imagination brought
some of today's leading Catholic writers to the USC campus.

Participants from the U.S.and Canada came to listen--and
share their challenges in the world and art of writing.

The words of  Father James L. Heft, S.M. rang across the
sky at twilight on the 2nd night of the conference: . . .Lookforward to an enlightening and illuminating time. . . 

  Contrail streaking across USC 

May we who dwell in the land of
creativity be persistent in our belief
that beauty and faith matter.

I hope to share a bit more of this
Conference with you in future posts.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Thurs, February 12th 2015

Birthdays & Friendships

Abraham Lincoln the 16th President 

of the United States was born on this

day in 1809.

Lincoln in his wisdom once said:

"The better part  of one's life

consists of his friendships."

                -for O.P.D.

And so it is in the stream of life that
on a blessed day, we might meet
that someone who will become
a life-long friend.

May we cherish those friendships and
in turn become what we value. 

May we not forget the day they were
born . . .if you have a friend with a
birthday today, say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY