Henri Cartier-Bresson
This famous photographer was born on
August 22, 1908 and died on August 3, 2004.
"Once you miss it, it is gone." -Henri Cartier-Bresson
Photographers know the truth in his words.
If you are not familiar with the black
and white images of this French photographer
go to Magnum photos and take
a lesson from a master.
Then review some of your own photos.
I did. . . Sad to admit how few people appear in my b&w
portfolio of work. This tabby was even shy about having me
capture him.
Sometimes sports photography can
capture a decisive moment.
At other times, just keep your camera handy and your
eyes open. . .
Today in our world of selfies,
Henri Cartier-Bresson and his work
remind us to look out. There is a
world of other people around us.
Thank you, Henri!